Candy Coated

Sunday, February 26, 2006

I <3 SVU

Holy crap! I'm home on a Sunday. That never happens.
I hope there is a Law and Order: SVU marathon on today. That would make this day perfect!

So dinner last night got cancelled.... :D I did some watercolor pencil painting and then I got bored. I am trying to make 3 cute, colorful, fun fish prints for the cape. I wanted my sister to draw them, she actually draws really well and her drawings have that kid touch that make them extra cute, but she hasn't made them yet. I think she just has to be inspired to draw, she can't be directed. She is very diva.

So I think my next mission will be to knit. I have no idea how, but I crocheted a little bit in college and it was fun. Knitting is supposed to be better though. It seems you can make some pretty good/useful things on your first or second tries of knitting. But crocheting bored me after a while, usually 1/2 way through a project, so knitting probably would too.

I just joined the rest of the human race and attempted getting my myspace site up and running. It is very depressing because I only have one friend! :( It is so sad to see that, in huge letters right on the page... Lindsay has one friend! Great, thanks for rubbing it in myspace.

ssssiiiiigggghhhh.... I'm bored. Oh yea, that's why I never stay home...

Saturday, February 25, 2006


I binged at Michael's last night after I got out of work. I spent $75 on watercolor pencils! (also some brushes, paper and a beginner set of watercolor paint). Actually, I guess it's not that bad after listing it all out. I can't wait to dig in!


I can't because I have to go and cook dinner for five people at matt's house! (When I say "cook" I mean "buy" to premade lasagnas, one veggie, one not. And two salads in a bag, ceasar. And some Texas toast, garlic.) So it's not really that hard, it's just crampin my watercolor-pencil-artist-inspiration style! And I wish I could just sit home. But I can't.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


ugh! My job has totally worn me down. I am burnt out! I am in the process of looking for a new job and I hate it! Resumes, cover letters, interviews, blah blah blah. BUT! I don't hate it as much as I hate my job, so I will keep going...

and YAY! I got some crafty presents today. It just totally brightened up my day. There is nothing I appreciate more than handmade things. Matt always used to ask me what I want for (enter holiday here), and the answer was always the same, "Make me something!" After 5 years I got a homecard and a mixed CD. The two things I remember the most!

I am re-addicted to ebay. I have been buying up antique metal buttons because I plan on using them in a craft project. I'm like "SCORE! I got 8 buttons for $.99!" Then I pay 6.95 S&H like it ain't no thang. I have to keep reminding myself, check shipping and handling before you bid! I plan on hitting a few flea markets this weekend to see if they have some buttons. Buttons buttons buttons, it's all I can talk about!

Sunday, February 19, 2006

the cape!

YAY! So Matt and I went to check out my new place at the Cape this weekend! I wanted to take some measurements and find out what I needed for the place and I had a few things I wanted to bring down. It's going to need a lot of work, I mean, just aesthetically, luckily! But it's so tiny (and cute) that I should be able to bang it out in one weekend. I can't wait to begin!

Saturday, February 18, 2006

candy coated

So I suck when it comes to coming up with screen names, ID names, etc... So I named this blog candy coated. I have a pin that says, "Under this candy-coated shell is a center of pure kick-ass funk." It always makes me laugh... Also, sometimes I am told I am too nice.. too sweet, hence, candy-coated.